Breast Lift

After giving birth to children or breastfeeding, many women notice that their breasts have lost their quality in terms of size, shape, and feeling. As skin loses its elasticity, breasts tend to lose their shape and firmness and began to loosen. All these injuries may also occur over time even without pregnancy due to gravity and weight gain and weight loss. Breast lift or mastopexy is an operation to reform and lift loose breasts, without changing the overall volume of the breasts.

Unlike mastopexy, the main purpose of breast augmentation or reduction is to change breast size or volume. However, in some cases, especially when the breasts are slightly loosed, lifting and appropriate tightness is obtained only through breast augmentation surgery. In this case, you should know that an unacceptable and unexpected increase may occur in breast size, because breast implants have a given volume. In other circumstances, when both breast lifting and augmentation are desired, it is better to perform both procedures simultaneously.

It is wise to postpone breast lifting after giving birth to children and breastfeeding. Although mastopexy is not usually an obstacle for future pregnancies, it may affect breastfeeding. It is important to know that breast lift does not prevent re-loosening of breasts, especially after pregnancy and breastfeeding and the breasts may become loose and more sagged again. Weight loss after surgery leads to breast sagging. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Breast lift will be associated with low and small risks if it is performed by a skilled surgeon, however, the operation has certain problems which may occur.
  • Although rare, there is always the risk of infection like any other operation. The risk of infection can be minimized using precise surgical procedures and pre-operative and intra-operative injection of prophylactic antibiotics. Despite these precautions, a mild infection is usually common and may be created around the incision site, but it is usually recovered over a period of about two weeks. Risks such as blood clots are rare and starting to walk after surgery reduces the risk.
  • As mentioned earlier, swelling may occur after the surgery. If swelling is mild or moderate, the body will absorb it quickly. Rarely excessive bleeding may cause significant swelling and bruising. If it happens, the blood will be gradually absorbed and will rarely require blood evacuation. In addition, it has no effect on the final result. The wound in some patients may not be fused completely in the first 3 to 4 weeks after surgery. This may occur most commonly at the end of vertical wound under the breast. This problem is temporary and its improvement needs regular replacement of dressing after the operation. Finally, a crust is formed over it which will fall after 3 to 4 weeks. Covering bandages for a short period of a few weeks reduce the chances of developing the condition. Some dermal problems may occur around the wound which may require small, outpatient surgery later if necessary.

  • This operation takes less duration than breast reduction. About 3 hours.

  • It is recommended that the patient be hospitalized after surgery for one night at the clinic.

  • Driving is forbidden for 1 month.

  • You can do light exercise after 2 to 3 weeks and contact sports after 2 months

  • Never press the breast. Do not sleep on the breast.

  • The routine works before general anesthesia are performed.

  • General anesthesia with limited incision surgery.

  • Before surgery, doctor Manafi marks the breasts using a markup pen to exactly determine the location and shape of the breasts. Excess skin is stretched and removed during the surgery and the nipples and other tissues are raised to the new location (based on the marks made before surgery).
  • Nipples are usually aligned with the middle of your arm. Suture line or incisions depends on the amount of sagging and loosening of the breast. Therefore, lifting in women with only slightly sagged breasts is performed through techniques that limit the incisions to areola (the area with darker skin). In cases with more sagged and severe breasts, the suture line should be continued vertically down and occasionally along the breast fold.
  • Doctor Manafi can tell you about the suture line at the consultation visit. Depending on the amount of bleeding, drain tubes may be placed under the skin of the breast to discharge the accumulated fluids or blood produced during operation. They may not be required at the discretion of the surgeon. A bandage is placed firmly on the suture line.

  • You will have some swelling and bruising on breasts following surgery. Bruises will usually disappear after about 2 to 3 weeks. While much swelling disappears over time, some swelling may persist for up to 3 months.
  • Nipples of both breasts are tried to exactly placed symmetrically according to the markings drawn on the breasts before surgery, however the scars may slightly move or transform after surgery. (Remember that natural breasts have also some differences!). Although methods used by doctor Manafi guarantee the best possible distance and balance between the breasts and nipples and increase the possibility of breastfeeding after surgery, this increment is not guaranteed and sometimes breastfeeding may be disrupted after surgery.
  • After surgery, you may find that your breasts are a little stiff, in particular, at the edges of the incision; this is due to the natural process of wound fusion and the presence of elements in the scar tissue facilitating wound fusion. When this occurs, a type of massage is trained to you by the surgeon to accelerate healing. This condition gradually fades over time, but may take several months to complete. You may also notice in the first few weeks that your breasts are abnormally high. Do not worry, since gravity will always loose them and they will return to their natural and desirable location. It should be expected that the skin sensation in the nipples and areola reduces after surgery. This is due to damage to sensory nerve endings entered the area at the time of surgery. This is generally inevitable and usually disappears within a few months.

  • Scarring is considered a natural post-operative event rather than a complication. The scar in breast lifting surgery depends on the extent of breasts sagging and looseness as well as the method used, and may take months or years to be eliminated. However, since the scar is around and below the nipples, wounds are not significant even when clothing is scant like wearing a bikini. Scars may be red, warm, raised, and even itching, but they will fade and smooth over time.
  • This is the natural process of wound fusion. It is important to note that the process may take two years. It is recommended to daily massage the scars during this period to accelerate and facilitate this process.

  • You may experience moderate pain a few days after surgery which can be well controlled by analgesics. The pain usually reliefs after 4-5 days

  • Patients should always remember that wound healing is a gradual process. Although you should rest for one to two days after the surgery, try to be prepared to get rest for a few days after the operation. Many patients can perform their light tasks after 14-15 days, but for others it is better to get rest for 1 to 2 weeks. Remember that wound healing varies in different people, you may need more rest before recovery. Walking is beneficial in the first three to four weeks, because it improves blood circulation and reduces swelling. It also reduces the risk of developing blood clots in the legs. Lifting heavy things or strenuous activity is forbidden in the first 6 weeks after surgery. All rules are the same during recovery period. If doing a task disturbs you, do not perform it. 

  • The patient should make sure that she does not intent to be pregnant after surgery and in case of pregnancy, the risk of breasts sagging will increase, which may require a reconstructive surgery.
  • This will be determined only in a consultation visit during which doctor Manafi will ask you about your medical history and records including details of any previous breast surgery and labor. The best candidates for mastopexy are physically healthy and emotionally strong women who are realistic about the result of surgery. The best results are usually achieved in women with less loose and less sagged breasts. Breasts of any size can be lifted, but the effect may not last long in heavy breasts. Although all women of all ages can undergo the procedure, it is not usually performed before the full growth of breasts. As previously mentioned, patients who are planning to become pregnant should postpone the operation until after the completion of the family. If you smoke, you should quit smoking before surgery.
  • Smoking constricts blood vessels and hence reduces blood flow and weakens wound healing. Aspirin, certain anti-inflammatory drugs, and other drugs can increase bleeding, therefore they should be avoided.
  • Since each patient and surgeon have a different view regarding the desirable size, location, and form of the breasts, it is important to honestly discuss about what you want during the consultation. After this you will be examined and your breasts will be measured with a tape to obtain the current loosening. In this visit, doctor Manafi will evaluate all the variables such as age, the size and shape of your breasts, skin conditions, and whether a breast implant is recommended or not. You will be shown whether nipples and areola will shift or not, wounds location and the breast form after surgery will be also shown as far as possible. Please keep in mind to ask any question especially about your expectations and outcomes.

No. 305, Third floor, Samsung Building (Vanak Bazar), Vanak Square, Tehran


42 99 87 88  (021)


Doctor Manafi’s office hours: 16:30 to 20:30 on even days